PROJECT | Literal
Organism Leader : ARVALIS
Project Leader : Benoît de SOLAN
Partners : CTIFL, GEVES, HIPHEN, INRA, ITB, Terres Inovia
The objective of the LITERAL project is to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a light, portable and affordable phenotyping system. It uses a set of imaging sensors, controlled by a user-friendly interface. The data will be automatically referenced and processed on a cloud platform. Radiative transfer and deep learning algorithms will be implemented to transform the acquired images into agronomic variables of interest. A small series of LITERAL systems will be produced and taken in hand by the partners to evaluate it on different cases of studies and to prepare its industrialization.
The expected results of the project are:
- A phenotyping tool: a set of lightweight phenotyping systems allowing rapid and automated acquisition of images (RGB, multispectral) on the crops and variables of interest for the partners.
- Algorithms to process data acquired by LITERAL. These algorithms will be integrated as modules in the Cloverfield platform.
- Datasets as well as an evaluation of the estimation's accuracy for the variables of interest.
- An industrialization report, in order to prepare a wider dissemination of this system which aims to equip the experimental sites of the partners and, if possible, to be marketed to third-parties..
Various recovery routes are planned:
- The results of LITERAL will benefit in the first place to the technical staff of the different partners in charge of experiments
- Communication will be made within the framework of technical events (Culturales, AFMEX) or scientific conferences (International Plant Phenotyping Symposium)
- A marketing for a wider public is envisaged via the HIPHEN company.

228 route de l’Aérodrome – CS 40509
84914 Avignon Cedex 9
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